Share Your Pregnancy or Adoption Story

If you - or your girlfriend - have been faced with an unplanned pregnancy and decided to give your baby the opportunity for life, there is someone in this world that will be helped and encouraged by your story.

If you made a plan for your baby to be adopted or if you are an adoptive parent, there are a lot of people who would be helped and encouraged by your story as well.

Your story does not need to be long or perfectly written. It is your experience and the choice you made for your baby that is important - and we'd like to give you the opportunity to share and submit your story. You will need to fill out our submission page and release form. No names or email addresses will be published.


Share Your Pregnancy or Adoption Story

We encourage you to share your personal stories that say, "This is my story...hope you learn from it or are inspired by it"

No names or email addresses will be published. Do not disclose any personal information you do not want published, displayed or used.